9cm Potted Tulips (Autumn, Spring, Bulbs)

Regular price £14.99

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Tulips are probably our most favourite bulbs, coming in an extensive range of colours, bi-colours and more, their flowers are really a thing of beauty and a timely reminder that the seasons are changing for the better.
Each pot contains between 2-3 Tulip bulbs, depending on their size. 
Our tulips will flower in the spring and the range in this sized pot are all rockery types, basically meaning they will grow to around 20cm in height. Great for borders and beds, our tulips like all other will prefer a well draining soil and protection from getting waterlogged. Our tulips like most bulbs are perennial so should come back year on year and give you continuous joy.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Very Healthy Bulbs

These bulbs look very healthy, full and ripe. As always, great quality from Woodlark. Happy Christmas!