Plant Hero Tray

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Plant lovers, we need you!
In an effort to reduce waste and find loving homes for plants that for a variety of reasons, won't be able to be sold to our wholesale partners, we are launching Woodlark Plant Heroes.
The aim is to compile trays of mixed seasonal plants that need a little TLC but with the right care will flourish and live their full potential.
These trays will be a mix of eight plants for just £5 that will be chosen by our team for you.
We usually compost our unsold plants but with Woodlark Plant Heroes, we hope to give these plants one last chance to find a home before that happens.
Why haven't they sold already?
They might need dead-heading to encourage new growth
They may not have been popular enough with wholesale partners
The weather might have impacted sales so there are too many left over.

Customer Reviews

Based on 25 reviews
Alan Cairns

Most of them died!


Really really pleased with this. Will be adding to my order again

Mixed bag but ultimately great value hi

Not all made it but chuffed with what I got. Great value, but expect some to be a bit scraggly

Nicola Laverty
Plant Heroes

Ordered two trays at £5 each. Absolutely delighted with the plants - 2 out of 16 didn‘t make it but still excellent value. Delivery person was very courteous and helpful, offering to move the trays to where I needed them. Very happy. Would definitely recommend.

ju hill
Excellent value

Thrilled with the variety tray of plants I received. They arrived v dry but soaked them sitting in a bowl of water for a few hours. Some clearly needed potting on which I've done & others were a little neglected but I tidied them up & now thriving. Such a great commitment by Woodlark to save plants than simply throwing away.